Here you can find the schedule of workshops for CoLang 2018 (Updated: 6-18-2018)
Instructors: Please contact the CoLang2018 organizers if you have a schedule conflict, or other need to reschedule your workshop. Thank you for your patience and understanding!
Click here to read the workshop descriptions.
Please use this link to download a pdf version of the schedule: CoLang 2018 FINAL Workshop Schedule
Week 1 Workshops (June 18-28) |
Period 1 (8:30-10:00am) | Instructor(s) | Classroom |
FLEx 1 | Juliet Morgan, Carolyn O’Meara | Tur 1208A |
Introduction to Linguistics 1 | Patricia Shaw | Tur 1208H |
Audio 1 | Toshihide Nakayama, Yoshi Ono | Tur B357 |
Documenting Spatial Categories and Knowledge | Carolyn O’Meara, Niclas Burenhult | Tur B304 |
Phonetic Analysis with Praat | Kristine Hildebrandt | Dauer 215 |
Period 2 (10:15-11:45am) | Instructor(s) | Classroom |
ELAN 1 | Andrea Berez-Kroeker | Tur 1208A |
Digital Language Activism | Brook Danielle Lillehaugen, Janet Chávez Santiago | Tur 1208H |
Transcription | Mizuki Miyashita | Dauer 215 |
Survey Methods | Keren Rice, Mary Linn | Tur 1350 |
Ethics of Fieldwork and Language Documentation from a Community Perspective | Hilaria Cruz | Tur B304 |
Semantic and Pragmatic Fieldwork | Tyler Peterson | Tur B357 |
Period 3 (2:15-3:45pm) | Instructor(s) | Classroom |
How to Manage your Materials and Data for a Language Archive | Vera Ferreira, Susan Smythe Kung, Ryan Sullivant, Alicia Niwagaba | Tur B357 |
Indigenous Language Revitalization: Initiatives in Indigenous Communities | Bonnie Jane Maracle | Tur 1208A |
Ethnobiology | Richard Stepp | Dauer 215 |
Grant Writing | Susan Gehr, Shobhana Chelliah | Tur 1208H |
Developing Digital Tools for Language Revitalization: Demystifying Coding, Apps and Web Platforms | Mark Turin, Aidan Pine | Dauer 219
(note room change) |
Mini-practicum: Mississippi Choctaw Lexicon Project | Jack Martin, Jason Lewis, Abrianna Tubby, Dee Saunders | Pugh 302 |
Period 4 (4:00-5:30pm) | Instructor(s) | Classroom |
Blurring the Lines | Ewa Czaykowska-Higgins, Lorna Williams | Dauer 219
(note room change) |
Language and Healthcare | Peter Rohloff, Brent Henderson | Tur B357 |
Pedagogical Grammar | Mary Linn, Conor Quinn | Tur 1208H |
Getting the full picture: Language use and the importance of video 1 | Mandana Seyfeddinipur | Tur 1208A |
Project Planning | Margaret Florey | Dauer 215 |
Mini-practicum: Mississippi Choctaw Lexicon Project | Jack Martin, Jason Lewis, Abrianna Tubby, Dee Saunders | Pugh 302 |
Week 2 Workshops (June 25-28) |
Period 1 (8:30-10:00am) | Instructor(s) | Classroom |
FLEx 2 | Carolyn O’Meara | MCCB2102 |
Audio 2 | Toshihide Nakayama, Yoshi Ono | MCCB1108 |
Intro to Linguistics 2 | Patricia Shaw | MCCA3194 |
Community Language Archives | Susan Gehr, Susan Smythe Kung | Dauer 215 |
Multilingualism and Language Documentation | Pierpaolo Di Carlo, Jeff Good | MCCA1142 M-W, FLI 111 on Thurs |
Teaching Pronunciation for Indigenous Languages | Ewa Czaykowska-Higgins, Colleen Fitzgerald | Dauer 219
(note room change) |
Period 2 (10:15-11:45am) | Instructor(s) | Classroom |
ELAN 2 | Christopher Cox | MCCB2102 |
Life in Communities | Spike Gildea, Leroy Morgan, Adrienne Tsikewa | MCCB1108 |
Orthography | Mike Cahill | MCCA1142 M-W, FLI 111 on Thurs |
Talk it Up! Everyday Conversation in Language Documentation | Olivia Sammons, Nick Williams | MCCA3194 |
Integrating Experimental Methods in Language Documentation | Seunghun Lee, Michal Temkin Martinez | Dauer 215 |
Language and Wellness | Doug Whalen, Alice Taff | Dauer 219
(note room change) |
Period 3 (2:15-3:45pm) | Instructor(s) | Classroom |
Using Ethnography in Language Documentation | Sarah Shulist | MCCB2102 |
Translating and Interpreting Popular Media into Native Languages | Tyler Peterson, Rolando Coto | MCCB1108 |
Navigating Consent, Rights, and Intellectual Property | Susan Smythe Kung | MCCA3194 |
Challenges and Solutions in Advanced Audio Visual Documentation | Ben Levine | MCCA1142 M-W, FLI 111 on Thurs |
Macuiltianguis Zapotec PrePracticum Workshop | John Foreman, Margarita Foreman | Tur 1350 |
Mini-practicum: Mississippi Choctaw Lexicon Project | Jack Martin, Jason Lewis, Abrianna Tubby, Dee Saunders | Pugh 302 |
Period 4 (4:00-5:30pm) | Instructor(s) | Classroom |
Getting the full picture: Language use and the importance of video 2 | Mandana Seyfeddinipur | MCCB2102 |
Creating Language Learning Apps for Endangered Languages | Lisa Johnson, Kevin Martens Wong | Dauer 215 |
Revitalization and Documentation from a Perspective of 1st and 2nd Language Acquisition | Mizuki Miyashita, Tracy Hirata-Edds | MCCA3194 |
Spatial Visualization and Language Documentation | Kristine Hildebrandt | MCCB1108 |
Mini-practicum: Mississippi Choctaw Lexicon Project | Jack Martin, Jason Lewis, Abrianna Tubby, Dee Saunders | Pugh 302 |
CoLang 2018 is sponsored by the National Science Foundation (BCS-1664464), the Linguistic Society of America, and the University of Florida.
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