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CoLang 2018

CoLang 2018 Workshops

Here you can find the schedule of workshops for CoLang 2018 (Updated: 6-18-2018)

Instructors: Please contact the CoLang2018 organizers if you have a schedule conflict, or other need to reschedule your workshop.  Thank you for your patience and understanding!

Click here to read the workshop descriptions.

Please use this link to download a pdf version of the schedule: CoLang 2018 FINAL Workshop Schedule

Week 1 Workshops (June 18-28)

Period 1 (8:30-10:00am) Instructor(s) Classroom
FLEx 1 Juliet MorganCarolyn O’Meara Tur 1208A
Introduction to Linguistics 1 Patricia Shaw Tur 1208H
Audio 1 Toshihide NakayamaYoshi Ono Tur B357
Documenting Spatial Categories and Knowledge Carolyn O’Meara, Niclas Burenhult Tur B304
Phonetic Analysis with Praat Kristine Hildebrandt Dauer 215
Period 2 (10:15-11:45am)  Instructor(s) Classroom
ELAN 1 Andrea Berez-Kroeker Tur 1208A
Digital Language Activism Brook Danielle Lillehaugen, Janet Chávez Santiago Tur 1208H
Transcription Mizuki Miyashita Dauer 215
Survey Methods Keren Rice, Mary Linn Tur 1350
Ethics of Fieldwork and Language Documentation from a Community Perspective Hilaria Cruz Tur B304
Semantic and Pragmatic Fieldwork Tyler Peterson Tur B357
Period 3 (2:15-3:45pm)   Instructor(s)  Classroom
How to Manage your Materials and Data for a Language Archive Vera Ferreira, Susan Smythe Kung, Ryan SullivantAlicia Niwagaba Tur B357
Indigenous Language Revitalization: Initiatives in Indigenous Communities Bonnie Jane Maracle Tur 1208A
Ethnobiology Richard Stepp Dauer 215
Grant Writing Susan Gehr,  Shobhana Chelliah Tur 1208H
Developing Digital Tools for Language Revitalization: Demystifying Coding, Apps and Web Platforms Mark Turin, Aidan Pine Dauer 219

(note room change)

Mini-practicum: Mississippi Choctaw Lexicon Project  Jack Martin, Jason Lewis, Abrianna Tubby, Dee Saunders Pugh 302
 Period 4 (4:00-5:30pm)   Instructor(s)  Classroom
Blurring the Lines Ewa Czaykowska-HigginsLorna Williams Dauer 219

(note room change)

Language and Healthcare Peter Rohloff, Brent Henderson Tur B357
Pedagogical Grammar Mary Linn, Conor Quinn Tur 1208H
Getting the full picture: Language use and the importance of video 1 Mandana Seyfeddinipur Tur 1208A
Project Planning Margaret Florey Dauer 215
Mini-practicum: Mississippi Choctaw Lexicon Project  Jack Martin, Jason Lewis, Abrianna Tubby, Dee Saunders Pugh 302

 Week 2 Workshops (June 25-28)

Period 1 (8:30-10:00am)  Instructor(s)  Classroom
FLEx 2 Carolyn O’Meara MCCB2102
Audio 2 Toshihide NakayamaYoshi Ono MCCB1108
Intro to Linguistics 2 Patricia Shaw MCCA3194
Community Language Archives Susan Gehr, Susan Smythe Kung Dauer 215
Multilingualism and Language Documentation Pierpaolo Di Carlo, Jeff Good MCCA1142 M-W, FLI 111 on Thurs
Teaching Pronunciation for Indigenous Languages Ewa Czaykowska-Higgins, Colleen Fitzgerald Dauer 219

(note room change)

Period 2 (10:15-11:45am)  Instructor(s)  Classroom
ELAN 2 Christopher Cox MCCB2102
Life in Communities Spike Gildea, Leroy Morgan, Adrienne Tsikewa MCCB1108
Orthography Mike Cahill MCCA1142 M-W, FLI 111 on Thurs
Talk it Up! Everyday Conversation in Language Documentation Olivia Sammons, Nick Williams MCCA3194
Integrating Experimental Methods in Language Documentation Seunghun Lee, Michal Temkin Martinez Dauer 215
Language and Wellness Doug Whalen, Alice Taff Dauer 219

(note room change)

Period 3 (2:15-3:45pm)  Instructor(s)  Classroom
Using Ethnography in Language Documentation Sarah Shulist MCCB2102
Translating and Interpreting Popular Media into Native Languages Tyler Peterson, Rolando Coto MCCB1108
Navigating Consent, Rights, and Intellectual Property Susan Smythe Kung MCCA3194
Challenges and Solutions in Advanced Audio Visual Documentation Ben Levine MCCA1142 M-W, FLI 111 on Thurs
Macuiltianguis Zapotec PrePracticum Workshop John Foreman, Margarita Foreman Tur 1350
Mini-practicum: Mississippi Choctaw Lexicon Project  Jack Martin, Jason Lewis, Abrianna Tubby, Dee Saunders Pugh 302
Working with Archived Materials   [workshop cancelled]
Period 4 (4:00-5:30pm)  Instructor(s)  Classroom
Getting the full picture: Language use and the importance of video 2 Mandana Seyfeddinipur MCCB2102
Creating Language Learning Apps for Endangered Languages Lisa Johnson, Kevin Martens Wong Dauer 215
Revitalization and Documentation from a Perspective of 1st and 2nd Language Acquisition Mizuki Miyashita, Tracy Hirata-Edds MCCA3194
Spatial Visualization and Language Documentation Kristine Hildebrandt MCCB1108
Mini-practicum: Mississippi Choctaw Lexicon Project Jack Martin, Jason Lewis, Abrianna Tubby, Dee Saunders Pugh 302
Language Activism [workshop cancelled]

CoLang 2018 is sponsored by the National Science Foundation (BCS-1664464), the Linguistic Society of America, and the University of Florida.

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